Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Quad Lutz

Only two prominent men have attempted the quad lutz this year.  What's interesting about that is both men are from the US (and neither medaled.....).  As we all know the only one to succeed in that attempt was Brandon Mroz.  I mean he even had our beloved Rachael Maddow talking.  And since when does Rachael ever discuss figure skating?  Usually she's all about something drab (well ok not drab, politics is important, but you know what I mean) that you can catch on c-span, so even tho Brandon's programs are pretty boring, you have to give him credit for getting figure skating back on the news without it being some kind of Tonya Harding type drama.

The first recognized quad lutz:
The first quad lutz in an ISU event:

The other attempt was by Adam Rippon, who failed miserbly and couldn't even rotate it.  I'm guessing he won't be trying that at Nationals, what do you guys think?  I'm sure Brandon will try the quad lutz at Nationals though, as that's just.....about all he has is the jumps.. ahahaha.

At 0:55: